г.Ростов-на-Дону, 40-летия Победы пр-кт, д.75

Тел.:  (8-863) 269-39-45



disign © Sergey Z           (863) 269-39-45            info@eskada-don.ru   


Platform Scale

Weight scale data transfers directly into treatment computer.

Patient Safety Switch

Gives patient the ability to immediately ramp down treatment forces if desired.

Operator Remote

 Allows healthcare provider to easily position patient.

Power On/Off &

 Emergency Stop Switch

15-amp circuit breaker rocker switch intializes system. Stop button immediately ramps down treatment forces.

Patient Report Printer

Prints the treatment record for patient documentation.

Treatment Dynamics

Highly visible displays - monitor treatment from across a room.

Cervical Selector

Adjusts system to proper angle for specific cervical level.

Touch Screen Computer

Easily select treatment parameters without the need of a separate keyboard and mouse.

Treatment Positioner & Tensioning Belt

Therapeutic forces are delivered to the patient through the tensioning belt, which can be raised and lowered by the treatment positioner.

Non-Detachable Headrest

• Conforming head support

 • Open design (doesn't grab jaw)

Patient Safety Rails

Assists patient entry and exit.

DRX9500™ – Система лечения шейного отдела позвоночника

Аппарат DRX9500™ представляет собой независимую систему с интегрированной кушеткой, которая обеспечивает полномасштабный подход к лечению болей в грудном и шейном отделах позвоночника, вызванных грыжей межпозвоночных дисков, остеохондрозом или деформацией дисков.